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Traffic Cost, Local Traffic Cost, and Local Estimated Visits metrics are now reported at the keyword level
Traffic Cost, Local Traffic Cost, and Local Estimated Visits metrics are now reported at the keyword level

Enjoy Traffic Cost, Local Traffic Cost, and Local Estimated visits are now calculated for each keyword in your projects.

Bianca Dicu avatar
Written by Bianca Dicu
Updated over 2 months ago

We’re excited to share that Traffic Cost, Local Traffic Cost, and Local Estimated Visits metrics, previously available at the keyword set or keyword group level, are now calculated per individual keywords as well.

Local Estimated Visits

The Local Estimated Visits metric estimates the monthly visits a website can gain from an individual keyword, based on its rankings in the top 20 positions. This calculation combines the keyword's local search volume, specific to the custom location set at the search engine level, with its Click Share score. By focusing on keywords’ performance in specific geographic areas, this metric provides actionable insights to help businesses optimize their local SEO strategies and boost their online visibility.

The Local Estimated Visits metric is computed only if custom location search engines are added to the project.

Traffic Cost & Local Traffic Cost

With the Traffic Cost & Local Traffic Cost metrics you can now assess the monetary value of your organic traffic and make well-informed decisions about your SEO strategy and PPC investments.

The Traffic Cost metric provides an estimate of how much you would need to spend on paid ads to achieve the same traffic as through organic results for one specific keyword. It’s calculated using the Estimated Visits generated by the keyword and its Cost Per Click (CPC) at the country level, offering a straightforward way to assess your SEO’s return on investment.

Similarly, Local Traffic Cost offers monetary insights specific to your region-targeted keywords by using the keyword’s Local Estimated Visits and its CPC for each location. This metric is especially helpful if you focus on specific markets, as it reveals the value of the organic visibility within those target areas.

Where to access the metrics

These metrics are available for each individual keyword in the Ranking > Keywords report and can be added to the table by using the Table Settings Manager.

Do you have any further questions or need more information about this product update? Don't hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated support team.

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