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Initial ranking update - How long does it take?
Iulia Z. Lacriceanu avatar
Written by Iulia Z. Lacriceanu
Updated over a week ago

Whenever you add a new website to the AWR app, the initial rankings set delivery time depends on the following 2 factors: 

  • Selected scheduler frequency

Scheduled projects - daily, weekly, biweekly, and monthly - are expecting the initial set of rankings within minutes to hours (up to 24h) since the project was inserted into AWR.

  • Project complexity

The number of search engines and keywords also influence the ETA for the initial rankings set. If below 100 keywords are to be updated, the initial rankings are expected in less than one hour since the project was added to AWR

The rankings are not instantly delivered because we are sending real keyword queries to the search engines you have defined. The ranking positions are not previously stored in databases or transferred from third-party applications. 

As soon as the initial rankings set is ready, we'll also send you an email with the Summary Stats:

Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will keep building the FAQ.

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