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Import rankings from an external source

Learn how to import keywords and their ranking history from an external source into AWR.

Robert Dinu avatar
Written by Robert Dinu
Updated over a week ago

Either you have an old project exported from AWR or you want to migrate your ranking data from another application to AWR, you can easily import it in a few easy steps.

The first step is to access the Import Rankings section located in the AWR’s Settings menu and Choose your CSV file.

The CSV file should have as minimum columns the following (download a sample file from here):

  • Update Dates

  • Websites (domains or the ranking URL). You can add competitors as well. Make sure to have a unique CSV file for each project (main website to be tracked and competitors)

  • Keywords (and groups if you have them created)

  • Search engines (country level defined or localized) - AWR supports custom location search engines too

  • Position Ranking history

Once the file is loaded, you need to type the main URL, select the Country, and match the columns we have predefined with the ones from your CSV file:

Matching the search engines requires an additional step:

The last step is to press the Start Import button. We will import the data from your file and create a fresh new project. You will be able to access this new project with all the data in a few minutes.

That was easy, right? If you have a custom format for the exported file and matching the columns requires additional steps, contact us and we will be more than happy to help :)

Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will keep building the FAQ.

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