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Click Share vs. Total Click Share score
Click Share vs. Total Click Share score

Learn about Click Share and Total Click Share metrics, their calculation methods, and their importance in organic search performance.

Iulia Z. Lacriceanu avatar
Written by Iulia Z. Lacriceanu
Updated over a year ago

The Click Share score refers to the percentage of searchers who may click on your website if listed in the Top 20 organic positions from the SERPs. 

The Total Click Share metric refers to the percentage of clicks your website could receive from organic search across the entire set of selected keywords.

In contrast to the Click Share metric, which concentrates solely on keywords ranking within the top 20 positions, the Total Click Share metric offers a more precise representation of the overall percentage of clicks across the entire selected keyword set.

Both metrics are dynamically calculated considering the last 6 months in average Organic CTR Study data from Desktop International searches. The estimates are assigned differently, depending on the keyword length (long tail / mid-length or head term).

Percentages are gradually assigned for positions 1-20, with keyword length and rank importance variations. 

A complete overview of the CTR values from the last 6 months, which have been used for mapping the current Click Share metric can be downloaded from here

For positions below the Top 10, less than 1.5% of search results are being clicked. The estimated Click Share for positions out of the Top 20 is 0.

How these metrics are computed

Both the Click Share and the Total Click Share are represented as aggregated metrics, for all the keywords and monitored search engines in the project, but it can be also calculated per group of terms and/or search engine.

To exemplify, let's explore how these metrics are calculated for a specific set of keywords and a single search engine:

Click Share formula:

kwd 1 + kwd 2 + kwd 3 + ....+ kwd "n" / nr, where “nr" = no. of keywords in the given set that rank on a top 20 position.

Total Click Share formula:

kwd 1 + kwd 2 + kwd 3 + ....+ kwd "n" / nr, where “nr" = total no. of keywords in the given set.

For each keyword ranking on a 1 to 20 position, the proper ClickShare value is added (see gradual assignment/position and keyword length). For keywords out of the Top 20, the estimated Click Share is 0.

When a website ranks with multiple URLs for the same keyword, only the best position is considered.

The global ClickShare, across all added search engines, is computed by aggregating the granular ClickShare scores/keyword, on each of the monitored search engines.

💡 Depending on the Click Share preference selected in the General Settings > Reporting Preferences section, the Click Share score can be calculated as an average for the top 20 URLs or weighted based on the SERP Features appearance on Google.

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