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Search volume in AWR

Learn how the amount of Searches and Local Search Volume are presented in AWR

Iulia Z. Lacriceanu avatar
Written by Iulia Z. Lacriceanu
Updated over a week ago

Search volume shows the average number of times a specific query gets searched per month on Google.

In AWR, the search volumes are presented just like Google Ads' Keyword Planner tool would show them, as follows:

  • Searches. Average monthly number of searches that the keyword receives on Google, country-specific, as reported in the last 30 days. The searches are relevant for the monitored search engine country.

  • Local Searches. Average search volume that the keyword receives during a month, narrowed down to a specific location, as reported in the last 30 days. The searches are relevant for the monitored search engine country and custom location.

In addition to the two search volume metrics mentioned above, we also calculate the:

  • Quarterly Search Trends. This metric highlights the evolution of searches in the last three months compared to the previous three months. The trend change (increase or decrease) is computed by comparing the total number of Searches a keyword received for the last three months with the total number from the three months immediately before.

  • Global Search Volume. The number of average monthly searches that a keyword receives across all the locations and in all languages supported by Google's Keyword Planner tool. The global volumes of keywords are refreshed every 2 months.

The Searches, Local Searches, Quarterly Search Trends, and Global Search Volume metrics can be added to various reports using the Columns drop-down menu. Their appearance among the options listed in the Columns menu depends on the report's type.

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The Searches column can be added in the following AWR ranking reports:

The Local Searches column is available in the following reports:

The Local Searches column is populated only when having a custom location search engine selected as the main UI report input. Otherwise, when selecting a country-wide search engine, the keywords will only show amounts in the Searches column.

The Quarterly Search Trends metric is available as an additional column only in the Ranking > Keywords and Comparison > Websites reports.

The number of Searches recorded each month is available when placing the cursor on the percentages displayed in the Quarterly Search Trends column.

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The Global Search Volume can be checked in the Ranking > Keywords and Comparison > Search Engines UI reports where this metric is available as an optional column:

Besides Searches, Local Searches, Quarterly Search Trends, and Global Search Volume, AWR also reports the search volume trend of keywords for the last 12 months.

The volume trend is displayed in the Difficulty > Keyword report under the Search Trends column:

Feature availability

The Searches, Quarterly Search Trends, and Search Trends metrics are available to access for all the AWR plans and subscriptions.

Local Searches and Global Search Volume metrics are enabled for monthly subscriptions starting with Agency and all yearly plans.

Do you have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will keep building the FAQ.

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