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Which countries and search engines does AWR cover?
Which countries and search engines does AWR cover?
Larisa Rosu avatar
Written by Larisa Rosu
Updated over a week ago

Within AWR, you can track rankings from over 170 countries and up to 50,000 unique search engines (with specific locations). The coverage is generally available in countries like:

  • U.S

  • China

  • Canada

  • India

  • Belgium

  • Singapore

  • Australia

  • Sweden

  • Ukraine

  • Spain

  • Greece

  • Japan

  • United Kingdom

  • + 157 More

So one can have a complete picture of a website’s online performance, AWR allows tracking of Desktop and Mobile keyword positions originating from searches performed on:

  • Major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, or DuckDuckGo.

  • Dedicated search engines such as Amazon, YouTube, or Google Play.

  • Country-specific search engines such as Baidu or Yandex.

  • Custom location search engines which allow tracking keyword positions down to zip code or street address in all countries where Google is supported.

You can learn more about the tracking options available for different search engines by checking the following guides:

The retrieved ranking data will depend on the unique monitoring preferences selected within the Add Search Engines wizard when adding each search engine to the project.

Here, depending on the country from which the rankings should be retrieved and the search engine selected to be further queried using the keywords added to the project, you can choose:

  • the search type (e.g., Images, News)

  • the search features that should be retrieved (e.g., Universal, Places)

  • the Device type (Mobile or Desktop)

  • a custom location (narrowed down to zip code and street address)

  • the language in which you want rankings to be retrieved

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Do you have any other questions? Don't hesitate to get in touch, and we will keep building the FAQ.

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