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Major revamp for the Ranking Distribution view
Major revamp for the Ranking Distribution view

Significant improvements made to the Ranking Distribution view

Larisa Rosu avatar
Written by Larisa Rosu
Updated over a week ago

Introducing a significant update to our Ranking Distribution view, featuring highly requested improvements to enhance your keyword ranking analysis:

Tracking keyword movement across position distribution segments

You can easily access detailed insights into keywords within each position distribution bucket, understanding their origins and shifts between buckets. The changes are computed by comparing the ranking positions from the start to the end update which are selected in the date picker.

Simply click on the keyword count within each rankings segment to reveal a new modal window showcasing the list of keywords in the respective bucket alongside their current and previous ranking positions, as well as the movements between buckets.

Advanced filtering options for the Ranking Distribution table

You can now filter keywords in the Ranking Distribution table by SERP Features, Search Intent, Branded tag, and Search Volume so you can easily monitor keyword performance across the targeted position segments.

SERP Features

Filters keywords in the distribution buckets based on the special results appearing on the SERPs retrieved from the selected search engine, in addition to the Organic and Sponsored listings.

Search Intent

Filters keywords within distribution segments by search intent, reflecting the search query's purpose, derived from the top 10 Google results for each keyword.


Filters keywords within distribution segments based on the category they are part of - Branded versus Non-Branded.

Search volume

Filters keywords within distribution segments based on the average number of searches each keyword has on Google, country-wide, as reported by Keyword Planner in the last 30 days. The searches are relevant for the selected search engine country.

New KPI charts introduced

New key indicators allowing the monitoring of the performance of the main website and tracked competitors were added, as follows:

Ranking Distribution pie chart

The Ranking Distribution pie chart showcases the total keyword counts across different ranking position segments (such as 1st place, 2-5, 6-10, or not ranked) for the end date update in the time frame selected. The changes displayed near each value are computed by comparing the rankings from the start to the end update.

This visual representation provides a quick overview of the distribution of keywords across various ranking positions, aiding in understanding the overall performance of your keywords at a glance.

Winners vs. Losers chart

The Winners vs. Losers chart showcases the total count of keywords that have either gained/improved (Winners) or lost/declined (Losers) their ranking positions on the selected search engine. The Improved, New, Declined, and Lost values are displayed for each update performed within the time frame applied.

This visualization aids in tracking keyword changes over time, allowing you to identify performance trends and shifts in your website's ranking status.

Branded vs. Not Branded traffic pie chart

The Branded vs. Not Branded traffic pie chart displays the distribution of Estimated Visits* categorized into two segments: Branded** and Non-Branded keywords.

By providing a clear breakdown, this chart helps in understanding the impact of Branded and Non-Branded terms on your website’s overall traffic, aiding in effectively optimizing marketing efforts to target specific audience segments.

*The estimated traffic represents the number of visits the main website of the project may receive during a month, from the top 20 ranking positions of Branded and Non-Branded keywords, based on their related Search Volume and Click Share.

**The keywords that are directly associated with the project's main website (domain's name or variations of it) are automatically recognized and labeled as Branded. For more details on how the automatic detection & labeling of Branded keywords works please check this article.

Estimated Visits & Visibility Percent chart

This chart displays the Estimated Visits* and Visibility Percent** values for the end date update within the chosen time frame. It also illustrates their trends over the specified period, allowing to spot sudden ranking spikes, indicating possible algorithm shifts or SEO campaign impact on your website’s traffic and search visibility.

*refers to the total number of visits the project’s main website may receive, from the top 20 ranking positions of both Branded and Non-Branded keywords, based on their related Search Volume and Click share. The change displayed under the Estimated Visits value is calculated by comparing the projected visits from the start to the end update selected in the date picker.

**refers to the search visibility performance percentage of the main website calculated for the selected keyword set and search engine during the end date update of the selected time frame. The change displayed under the Visibility Percent value is computed by comparing the percentage from the start to the end update selected in the date picker.

Improved vs. Declined & Ranked vs. Not Ranked charts

The Improved vs. Declined chart displays the total count of keywords that have either improved or declined their ranking position on the selected search engine between the start and the end update selected in the date picker. This allows for a quick comparison between the total number of keywords that have seen positive and negative shifts in rankings, simplifying the monitoring of keyword performance changes.

The Ranked vs. Not Ranked chart showcases the total number of keywords holding a ranking position versus those not found ranked. The total counts are calculated for the end date update within the chosen timeframe based on the selected keyword set and search engine. This visualization allows for a swift understanding of the ratio between keywords appearing in search results and those yet to gain visibility, offering insights to identify potential areas for improvement.

Do you have any further questions or need more information about this product update? Don't hesitate to get in touch with our dedicated support team.

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