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Robert Dinu avatarLarisa Rosu avatarBianca Dicu avatar
3 authors53 articles
Keyword difficulty major improvements
Google Analytics 4 integration
ATF Display filter changed to Pixel Position
UI & UX application enhancements
Daily updates for the Google SERP Features free tool
Enhancements of the share link feature
Multiple keyword groups selection for the Ranking > Keywords report
More options for the results search depth - 1, 2 & 3 pages
New search option for Keyword / URL - phrase match
Friendlier format for ranking notification emails
Searches column now shows the YoY % change
Search Intent detection algorithm major update
Google Looker Studio Improvements
New ranking filter available: Cannibalization
Updated parsing mechanism for People Also Ask results
Friendlier format for all notification emails
New KPI added to the Keyword Ranking report - Search intent
New filtering options for Organic SERP Features: Single and Multi Image Thumbnails
New SERP Feature available for tracking with AWR: Product Knowledge Panel
Multiple keyword groups selection for the Comparison > Search Engines view
Improvements of the Developer API and FTP export functionalities
[Alerts update] Enhancements of the SERP Features trigger
Automatic detection and labeling of branded keywords
New SERP Feature available for tracking with AWR: Google Jobs pack
Ability to sign in to AWR using Google credentials
New SERP Feature available for tracking with Google Mobile: Deals
New API operations for keyword difficulty updates
Bing SERP Features integrated as an optional column in UI reports
Homescreen revamped into a dynamic dashboard with enhanced functionality
Bulk Advanced Web Ranking data exports to BigQuery via direct connector
Integration with Bing Webmaster Tools
New SERP Feature available for monitoring within AWR: Events on Google
Enhanced competitor analysis: Websites Comparison report turned to Keyword Gap
Website Comparison report turned into Keyword Gap
Introducing the enhanced Partial Update feature
New SERP Feature available for tracking with AWR: Google Flights
Exciting improvements for the Bing search engine
New Bing SERP Feature available for tracking with AWR: AI-generated Stories
New capabilities for SERP Features analysis
New series of design and functionality updates for an enhanced AWR experience
Major revamp for the Ranking Distribution view
Introducing Forecasting Alerts
New improvements added to Forecasts
New options for adding keywords: import from another AWR project or directly from Google Search Console
Automatic recalculation of Market Share metrics after changes in keyword groups
New improvements for ​Big Query and FTP exports
New filtering options available: by changes
New metrics - Search Demand, Local Estimated Visits, and Total Click Share - added to the Visibility reports
New SERP Feature type available for monitoring with AWR: Aggregator Units
Introducing the enhanced SERP Features report
Introducing the SERP Features Changes filter: easily detect won or lost SERP Features
New user role in AWR: Customers with read-only access
New SERP Feature: Search Generative Experience (SGE)